As of July 28, 2020, Educare Springfield, in partnership with HCS Head Start, has reopened for a number of families. Due to guidelines from the Department of Early Educare and Care sites were limited to 10 children and 2 teachers per enclosed classroom space. We started with two pre-school classrooms that consisted of 4th graders who are preparing to transition to kindergarten. Most recently we were granted permission to increase our preschool class population to 14 students. On September 28, 2020 we opened one infant/toddler room.
We are continuing to monitor local guidance and the overall public health situation to determine when and how we might be able to serve more children onsite. In the meantime, all children enrolled at Educare Springfield have access to our remote learning program and other enrichment opportunities.
In order to protect the health of our staff, students, and families, we have modified much of our onsite programming. These changes include:
- Increased cleaning: Educare Springfield, in partnership with Holyoke Chicopee Springfield Head Start, exceeds state standards for cleaning. There are two laundry rooms on site and both are also equipped with toy sanitizing machines. With CARES funding, HCS was able to purchase multiple sanitizing machines. We have a maintenance person on-site all that that solely focuses on cleaning and sanitizing classrooms and high touch areas. Deep cleaning is done every night.
- Masks: All adults, while inside the building and on the grounds of Educare Springfield will always wear masks covering the mouth and nose. Children above the age of 2 will wear masks in all public places.
- Modified schedule: Our on-site classrooms are open Monday – Friday from 730 am to 5 pm. Families are assigned staggered drop off and pick up off times.
- Health screening at drop off: Every morning children and their families are greeted outside the building, parents are asked questions about the health of the child and the household, and the child washes their hands before entering the building. An Educare staff person from the child’s classroom walks them into the building and directly to their classrooms. There are no indoor activities taking place outside of their classroom during the day. Each classroom has direct access to outside play areas.
- Physical distancing: Educare Springfield will continue to maintain physical distancing of staff and students at all time. Classroom furniture has been rearranged to maintain and encourage opportunities for students to receive classroom instruction as well as follow their own interests within the classroom.
- Only essential staff in the building: Parents and guardians will drop off and pick up children outside, and any Educare Springfield staff not essential for running on-site classrooms will continue to work from home.
- Staff screening: Our staff will be following the same health screenings as children – monitoring themselves for any symptoms, and communicating with school leadership about any potential exposure they may experience. All staff must sign in and out each time they enter/exit the building. There are pens available for a new one to be used by each person as well as a container to put used pens that are sanitized throughout the day. There is also sanitation available and staff must sanitize their hands before entering the building.
- Ready with supplies: Educare Springfield has gloves, masks, barriers, cleaning supplies, sanitizing machines, washers, dryers, toy sanitizing machines and masks for children.